Welcome to My Portofolio

I enjoy building things related to web and mobile development. I have been doing it for more than 3 years and involved in various numbers of projects with various scale.

Let's connect


Sistem Informasi Konsultasi dan Pengawasan Inspektorat Jenderal Kemendikbud

Develop a web based application for internal auditors to help them queries or find information and knowledge about some topics such as Investigations, Auditing, etc. Similar to stack overflow, only this one is intended to help internal auditors gain more insight that related to their field and jobs.

  • Codeigniter
  • Bootstrap
  • MySQL

Portal Perpustakaan Komnas HAM

Develop a web based portal that linked to existing library system and add news feature. Develop a web based system to manage documentation of Komnas HAM in several formats, such as photos, videos and electronic documents

  • Codeigniter
  • Bootstrap
  • MySQL

AstraWorld SMS Gateway

Using React, Node.js, Express & MongoDB you'll learn how to build a Full Stack MERN Application - from start to finish. The App is called Memories and it is a simple social media app that allows users to post interesting events that happened in their lives.

  • React
  • Redux
  • Sprint Boot
  • SQL Server

User Management

While building it you're going to learn many advanced React & JavaScript topics, as well as how to use Stripe for card transactions. On top of that, at the end of the video, you will have this unique and complex webshop app that you will be able to add to your portfolio. And trust me, e-commerce applications are impressive.

  • Angular
  • JavaScript

Sistem Pemanfaatan Dana

The system involve end to end process of filtering eligible participants, managing huge number of parameters and master data, ensure the established scenario is able to filter and manage the participants data

  • React
  • Nextjs
  • Redux Saga
  • Micro Front End
  • Material UI

Sistem Pemupukan Dana

System to manage the administration of Tapera's investment, displaying current portofolio and conduct fund approval.

  • React
  • Nextjs
  • Redux Saga
  • Micro Front End
  • Material UI

STAR Astra Motor - Finance Module

Develop a web based system, specifically in Financial Module that includes several menus such as incoming payment flow, outgoing payment flow, monitoring of incoming, monitoring of outgoing and monitoring general ledger. Coordinates the developers, assist and overcome any obstacles related to technical or non-technical. Coordinates with other squad for any dependant backlogs.

  • React
  • GraphQL
  • AntDesign
  • urlql


I've worked with a range of technologies in the web development world.

  • Front End

    Experienced with
    React and currently digging more in Flutter

  • Back End

    Also code some in
    Node.js and currently exploring deep in Golang & C#

  • Database

    Have sufficient knowledge in


These are my brief timeline as developer